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Recherches populaires: friperie, gingembre, gomme arabique, noix de cajou, sucre, transport +


Description : We are a leading producer and supplier of dried fruits such as strawberry, cherry, apricot, raisin, apple, pear, peach, honey date, fig, kumquat, ground cherry, cherry apple, and so on. We assure that your inquiry will get our prompt attention and competitive price. Apple ring specification: So2:600ppm or 1000-2000ppm max or as per required Moisture:18-22% Packing: 20kgs carton inner with food grade poly bag liner, total 11mt net weight per 1x20' FCL Pear Halves specifications: So2:600ppm max Moisture: 18-22% Sugar: 50-60% brix Packing: 12.5kgs carton inner with food grade poly bag liner, total 17.5mt net weight per 1x20' FCL contacter l'entreprise sur

Détails du produit

Origine : Chine Chine
Délai de livraison : contacter entreprise
Annuaire : alimentation, import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : TRADE 4 BEST
Pays : France France
Effectif : 2 personnes
Type de société : Producteur